Meet us at IoT Solutions World Congress

Are you Danish and your company located in Denmark? Scroll to the Danish announcement at the bottom of the post

SenArch will be exhibiting at IoT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona, Gran Via Venue, May 21-23, 2024.

Our booth location is Hall 1, F92.

We are looking forward to connecting with customers and partners and making our solar IoT gateway solution visible to the world.

Join for some inspiring and insightful days at IOTSWC24!

Book a meeting with us here so we are sure to meet up.

Also, please notice that in parallel – at the same time and place – Barcelona Cybersecurity Congress is also happening.

So, you can get two conferences in one trip!

Mød os på IoT Solutions World Congress

SenArch er med som udstiller på den danske stand til IoT Solutions World Congress, Barcelona, Gran Via Venue, 21-23 maj 2024.

Nordic IoT Centre, WE BUILD DENMARK, DI Digital, Digital Lead og MADE er gået sammen om en fælles delegationstur til Barcelona for at deltage i IOTSWC24.

Her vil vi sammen med andre virksomheder indhente ny og inspirerende viden fra hele verden og synliggøre vore IoT-løsninger og netværke.Der er plads til i alt 20 virksomheder på standen, og de første pladser er allerede revet væk.Er du interesseret i at høre mere om stand og delegationen?
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